Christmas recipes
Christmas Cake
1 1/2 cup good butter
1 3/4 cup brown sugar
16 eggs
4 lb raisins
4 lb currants
1 lb mixed peel cut fine
2 lb flour
1 lb almonds,blanched cut fine
2 nutmeg,grated same of mace
1/2 pint brandy
1 tablespoon lemon essence

Cream butter and sugar well, add the beaten yolks, then the stiffly beaten egg whites. Put all fruits and nuts together, rub with some of the 2 pounds of flour. Beat well, then add nuts and brandy. I make just half of this recipe and I put in a very small teaspoon of soda. Bake slowly. This is a transcription from my Grandma Dixon's handwritten recipe book. It dates from the first quarter of this century.

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